Performance Analysis on the Urban Domestic Waste Compression Device of New Environmentally-friendly Vehicle

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With the continuous expansion of the urban construction scale, the composition of urban domestic waste has changed greatly. There are fewer sites available for landfills in the suburbs, and people have to consider establishing grave disposal sites in the outskirts. According to domestic statistics, the garbage treatment plants in big cities are far away from the urban area, so that the transportation costs account for a high proportion of garbage disposal costs. Therefore, reducing the cost of garbage disposal is the key to decrease the entire garbage disposal cost.


The garbage compression transfer can well solve the problem of load loss in garbage transportation, greatly improve the efficiency of garbage transportation, reduce the frequency of garbage transfer, save the cost of garbage transportation, relieve the traffic congestion, and eliminate secondary pollution during cleaning and transportation. As the core component of the entire compression equipment, it is required to have sufficient strength and rigidity during the compression process of the garbage with stable movement and no permanent deformation.

Facing the worldwide problem of sewage dripping during the process of garbage collection and transportation, ZOOMLION Environmental Industry Co., Ltd., on the basis of fully researching the domestic garbage collection and transportation model, has successfully developed he first series of non-leakage compression garbage trucks domestically through a number of key technologies which solve the problem of full sewage leakage during garbage collection and transportation.


ZOOMLION adopted WW-844D Wireless Dynamic Strain Test & Analysis System (96 channels) to collect dynamic stress data from the new environmentally-friendly vehicle garbage compression device on the actual working state. The test successfully obtained accurate data for each working condition which is consistent with the theoretical ones, and provided a solid foundation for improving the performance of environmentally-friendly vehicles.


As an important part of garbage treatment technology, the compression and volume reduction of garbage has played a very good role in this, and it has brought better economic and social benefits. With the constant changes in the characteristics of garbage, more demand from the market, and the continuous development of technology, the research on the subject of compression devices should also be deepened.


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